Simply stating how sorry one is for the loss is usually a good place to start. Add further details about how much the person was loved, as appropriate.
Kate’s Blog
Which would you prefer a handwritten note or an email?
The answer is obvious. Handwritten notes carry a greater impact, communicate sincerity and can build stronger connections between managers, colleagues and business partners. Still, the personal touch is rare. The average U.S. home received a personal letter only once every seven weeks in 2010, down from once every two weeks in 1987.
Special Reprieve From eMail
I receive so much email that, I have come to rather enjoy receiving snail mail and the brief reprieve it brings. Receiving a note from a colleague or new acquaintance, makes a note that much more enjoyable. I understand that the task of writing cards is cumbersome (not to mention outdated) and has been largely Read the full article…
What are some words to express appreciation?
Several words and phrases can express appreciation, such as “thank you,” “value,” “treasure,” “you’re the best,” “your thoughtfulness will always be remembered” and “words cannot express how you have helped.”
What are some words of sympathy.
Some words of sympathy that people can give to someone for a loss are “we are sorry for your loss,” “we are thinking about your wonderful mother (brother, sister, etc),” “our thoughts are with you and your family” and “we will miss your mother.” While it can be difficult to write a sympathy card, it is Read the full article…
Real Estate Advice
Los Angeles Real Estate Advice: The Handwritten Note PT VOICE November 15, 2012 | posted by F Ron Smith In this age of instant communication it’s easy to pick up the phone or send someone an email, but there’s something to be said for the nearly lost art of writing a note. Maybe it has Read the full article…
What are some good thank you messages for birthday wishes?
One good quote to wish someone a happy birthday is “Forget the past and look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come.” Another good quote for a birthday wish is “Have a wonderful, happy, healthy birthday now and forever. Happy birthday!”
An Important message about fund raising and help to do it effectively.
Are you looking to raise funds for a cause that is meaningful to you? We found that a handwritten card with a heartfelt message and a hand addressed envelope really goes far. With the hand address and a Forever stamp your mail will most likely be opened. Once opened, we can almost guarantee it will Read the full article…
What are some good quotes for happy birthday wishes?
One good quote to wish someone a happy birthday is “Forget the past and look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come.” Another good quote for a birthday wish is “Have a wonderful, happy, healthy birthday now and forever. Happy birthday!”
Quote to note!
“A handwritten note is like dining by candlelight instead of flicking on the lights.” Margaret Shepherd