Job Interview Thank You Note
Sending a “thank you” note promptly after a job interview (within 2 business days) can mean the difference between a job offer and a phone call that reveals “sorry, we hired someone else.”
If you really want to stand out in the sea of job candidates, follow-up after your interview by writing a job interview thank you note (phone or in-person interviews). Write the interviewer a letter expressing appreciation and thanks for the interview.
“Nearly 15% of hiring managers say they would not hire someone who failed to sent a thank-you letter after the interview. Thirty-two percent say they would still consider the candidate, but would think less of him or her.” -Careerbuilder.Com
Here’s how to do it:
Send it promptly. Wait too long and it looks like an afterthought – and the interviewer will assume that you’re not very enthusiastic about the job. Send it a day or two after your job interview so it reaches the interviewer promptly.
Handwritten. Handwritten notes are more personal, and appropriate for brief notes to a variety of individuals you may have met or spoken with during the interview process. Handwritten notes make a great impression and add that extra touch of class, so think about how your penmanship will be received and consider using us to send your card, get started. Always use good paper such as Crane stationery.
Typed. Generally a hard copy typed letter is considered the most formal and are appropriate after an interview.
E-mail. Although some people believe that sending the “thank you” note by email is appropriate, the old-fashioned – and always correct – way is to send it by mail. Why risk the interviewer thinking you’re too lazy to address an envelope? The exception: If you’re applying for a computer or tech job, an emailed “thank you” note is probably fine or if you plan on following your email with a hard copy note.